Former OpenAI boss Sam Altman shared a photo of himself at the company’s headquarters, fueling speculation about his return after being dismissed on Friday. Taking to X, formerly Twitter, Altman posted a picture holding a guest ID pass, commenting, “First and last time I ever wear one of these.”
The 38-year-old Ex OpenAI boss Sam Altman, instrumental in launching OpenAI and the creation of the popular ChatGPT bot, faced dismissal by the board last Friday, citing a loss of confidence in him. However, recent reports suggest that investors and employees are advocating for Altman’s reinstatement.
Tech news outlet The Information reported that The Information invited Altman and Greg Brockman, another co-founder who resigned as the company’s president on Friday, for talks at the firm’s San Francisco headquarters on Sunday.
Altman, a prominent figure in the rapidly expanding generative AI sector, has sparked industry shockwaves with his termination. In a board letter on Friday, the board accused Altman of not being “consistently candid in his communications with the board, hindering its ability to exercise its responsibilities.”The board did not disclose specific details regarding his alleged lack of candor.
The fallout from Altman’s dismissal, combined with concerns over a potential rival company and the departure of OpenAI’s top talent, may have overshadowed the initial reasons behind the board’s decision. Reports over the weekend indicate that the sacking has upset current and former employees, fearing its impact on an upcoming $86 billion share sale.
Venture capitalist backers of the firm and tech giant Microsoft, which holds a $10 billion stake in OpenAI, have also expressed support for Altman’s return, as reported by the FT. Sources suggest that the headquarters of Microsoft in Seattle have experienced uneasy nights, given the integration of OpenAI’s technology into its applications.