Reportedly, Chris Evans, the Marvel superhero and Captain America actor, has recently entered wedlock with his girlfriend, Alba Baptista, an actress hailing from Portugal. The private wedding ceremony between the 42-year-old actor and his 26-year-old partner was kept well-hidden from the public eye. Allegedly, the couple followed their nuptials with an intimate celebration, graced by the presence of Evans’ Marvel co-stars, Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Hemsworth.
According to an insider quoted by Page Six, the Chris Evans and Alba Bapista hosted the wedding at their Boston residence, and only their closest family and friends attended. To maintain the utmost secrecy, reportedly, the couple required guests to sign non-disclosure agreements and surrender their mobile phones. Official confirmation of the marriage is yet to be provided by the couple.
Despite the lack of official confirmation, photographs circulating online from Boston seem to strongly corroborate the rumors. Additionally, these images depict Robert Downey Jr. and his wife, Susan Downey, Chris Hemsworth and his wife, Elsa Pataky, as well as actor Jeremy Renner, dining at the luxurious Newbury Boston hotel on Saturday night (IST). These pictures have only further fueled the speculation surrounding Chris Evans’ wedding.
Furthermore, there are also unconfirmed reports that the celebrity couple John Krasinski and Emily Blunt were part of the wedding festivities.
Alba Baptista, renowned for her role in ‘Warrior Nun,’ made her English-language debut on Netflix. The Lisbon-born actress has an impressive list of credits, including roles in ‘A Impostora,’ ‘Filha da Lei,’ ‘A Criação,’ and ‘Jogo Duplo.’ Her most recent project, ‘Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris,’ premiered in 2022.